Early artwork

Early artwork

Just after writing Owl Music, I was motivationally inspired. I immediately started creating artwork for the book. I am not a draftsman. My artwork, even my handwriting, is messy. I would consider myself more of a sculptor than painter. Definitely a messy sculptor as well.
Knowing that my penmanship sucks, I tried my hand at the attached collage. It was my vision to introduce Owl on the first page, large. I finished the first page and then had a fully cutup L.L.Bean Catalog in Laura Bush and my 880 sq ft condo. I had no place and no time to work on the rest of the pages. The whole project felt daunting alone.
I think all I said to Melissa in our first meetings was, "Hints, Winks, nudges. Keep it loose." I believe that an artist should be inspired to make what they are inspired to make.
The first page Melissa Crowley came back with was exactly what I had envisioned, but with the polished style that fails my own hands. I am eternally grateful to her for making such beautiful artwork for this story that means so much to me. More to come.
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