Owl Music Always Playing at The International Owl Center
Owl Music was told to me by an Owl and then the Owl told me to go to Owl Headquarters.
My Aunt called me up shortly after returning to MN with the remaining 600 copies of Owl Music. “Did you know that The International Owl Center is in Huston, MN?”
“I’ll be there tomorrow!”
I sat through the wonderful program at the center, humbly threw myself at the staff’s feet and asked if they would like my book in their gift shop. “Maybe. We will get our director.”
Enter the illustrious Karla Bloem. She told me she would give me my 7-10 minute read, but not to get my hopes up.
6 weeks later, the Owl Center has sold close to 100 copies and Karla is the book's greatest champion. She has tapped “Owl Music” into the Owl network.
I am really in awe of Karla and humbled by the reception of the book by Owl lovers. Owl Music is the Owl’s story and for it to be embraced by the Owl community means so much.
The amount of “coincidence” that has happened with Owl Music continues to amaze, astound, and baffle me. From the very inception of the story.
The Full Moon release on October 16.
The International Owl Center. Meeting Karla.
Getting this Public comment from Jennifer Ackerman author of the New York Times bestseller, What an Owl Knows: The New Science of the World's Most Enigmatic Birds.
"Owl Music is pure magic. It does what owls themselves do: It enchants us and shows us how to be in the world and what we can learn just by listening."
Karla’s Research is all about listening for owls. When I heard her paper presentation at the Minnesota Ornithologists Union Paper session, I understood why Owl Music resonated with her.
Karla has now connected me with the director of the Alaska Raptor Center in Sitka, AK. The one night I can remember deliberately being in the woods singing and playing music with my friends was on the summer solstice in 1992 in Sitka, AK! Strange connection, but the fact that copies of Owl Music will live in Sitka, a place very dear to my heart, humbles me.
I can’t wait to see where else Owl Music will connect. Thank you Karla, this is all very exciting!