This is the WHY:

This is the WHY:

We had some dear friends over for dinner last night. English is neither of their native languages. I read Owl Music to them. The looks on their faces of contemplation and thinking with their hearts is what I intended when writing Owl Music. Val said after I was finished, “That book reminds me of ‘The Little Prince’. It is a story for children, but as much for adults.” That is high praise and not the first time that comparison has been made.
“Plumo del Buho” started making Owl Music with the purpose of making art for art's sake. Not for anyone else, but for ourselves.. It is a beautiful story that needs to be in the world. I envisioned making a single run for friends and family; a personalized token to pass on, nothing more.
In May, when we got a look at the artwork( I ugly cried it was so beautiful) and as the book started to come together, we realized this has the makings of a classic. Melissa, Kjrsten, Sandice and myself all feel that Owl Music is uniquely special. Owl Music is a story that will stand the test of time because of its beauty and simplicity. We put full effort into making a legitimate first, numbered, signed edition. Pulled out all the stops. Made a luxurious tome because the story is of “that” caliber. If I was working with a publisher, this same book would not be made. It would be pumped out as cheaply as possible and go straight to major online outlets and start earning “author points”.
This is an analog effort to create and distribute what is already an antique. Books have played such a large part of so many of our lives who remember “before the Internet”. This is a tribute to those days of laying around the living room and reading. Reading to each other, and listening to each other.
A common reaction to the book is, “Wait, don’t take this the wrong way, but I can’t believe you wrote this.” That was Kjrsten’s reaction, one of the producers, and that was one of my best friends, Brian, reaction. The book is moving, sensitive and simple. Maybe not what you know of this crazy, Taurus, bull in the china shop, puts his foot in his mouth more often than not, kinda guy. Well, I did! It is almost unbelievable to me if I wasn’t there for the full process.
My belief is so great in this project that I left working for a great company, Kimes Ranch, in June to focus on finishing production on Owl Music. If I have anything to say about it, this book will be in every library and school that will have it. My hope is it will be read together with others. I know the lessons and messages contained within it will be heard and shared.
I am betting long on this work. It is now my full time job. I don’t care if I need to schlep it into every bookstore in the country personally and take 25 nos for every yes. This book is a home run and I am swinging it to the fences.
Thank you to those who have already purchased Owl Music. I am so excited for you all to see it, read it, and share it with those closest to you. For those of you that have not. I am asking you to believe in something unseen. I ask that you make an investment into an edition that will be valuable. Valuable as a way of connecting to others; whether it is your children, your spouse, friends, or new acquaintances.
And who knows?! If the book is as successful as we think, the numbered, signed copy will be valuable monetarily as well.
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